Estudio para investigar la seguridad, tolerabilidad, farmacocinética y farmacodinamia de RO7126209 tras infusión intravenosa en pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer prodrómica o de leve a moderada.
Brainshuttle AD: A Multiple Ascending Dose Study to Investigate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of RO7126209 Following Intravenous Infusion in Participants With Prodromal or Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease
- Trastorno neurodegenerativo
- Enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA)
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NCT04639050 2020-002477-98 2023-509678-52-00 BP42155
Resumen del ensayo clínico
El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la seguridad , tolerabilidad, inmunogenicidad y farmacocinética de dosis múltiples ascendentes intravenosas (IV) de RO7126209 en pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) prodrómica o de leve a moderada, así como Investigar la penetración en LCR tras la administración.
1. Why is the BP42155 clinical trial needed?
As people get older, the chances of having Alzheimer's disease go up. In fact, about 5% to 8% of people aged 60 and above have this condition.This disease is caused by a buildup of something called beta-amyloid plaques in the brain. Scientists are testing treatments that can help stop or reduce the buildup of beta-amyloid as a potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease.
2. How does the BP42155 clinical trial work?
This clinical trial is recruiting people with a health condition called Alzheimer’s Disease. People can take part if they are between 50 and 85 years of age (inclusive) who have been diagnosed with prodromal Alzheimer’s Disease, or mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease and fulfill all of the given inclusion criteria. The study will have four parts:
- Part 1 will test different doses of RO7126209 OR placebo for 28 weeks in a placebo-controlled study. Placebo-controlled studies are when people are put in groups that get given either a medicine or a placebo.
- Part 2 will further characterize doses previously tested in part 1, and may use a different dosing regimen or combination of doses (but the number of doses and the frequency of dosing will not be higher than what has been tested in part 1), participants will get RO7126209 OR placebo.
- Part 3 will be an open-label study (all participants will receive RO7126209) to see how different dosing schedules affect the treatment's outcomes.
- Part 4 will be an open-label study (all participants will receive RO7126209) offered to all participants who completed Part 1, 2 or 3, to assess the long-term safety, tolerability, and other effects of RO7126209 over a period of 101 weeks.
The clinical trial doctor will see participants regularly.These hospital visits will include checks to see how the participant responds to the treatment and any unwanted effects they may have. Total time of participation in the clinical trial will be 68 weeks for Parts 1 and 2, 64 weeks for Part 3 and 129 weeks if participating in Part 4. Participants can stop trial treatment and leave the clinical trial at any time.
3. What are the main endpoints of the BP42155 clinical trial?
The main clinical trial endpoints (the main results measured in the trial) are the changes in the amount of substance, called amyloid, in the brain before and after treatment. The unwanted effects of the drug, like how often they happened, how severe they were, and when they occurred, are also measured. Other important things measured in the study include how much of the drug was in the blood and brain fluid, and if the body made any special antibodies against the drug. These measurements are taken at different times during the study. Overall, the measurements are to see if the drug is safe and effective, and if it had any impact on the brain and body.
4. Who can take part in this clinical trial?
People can take part in this trial if they have been diagnosed with prodromal or mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease and aged between 50 and 85 years old. People may not be able to take part in this trial if they have any evidence of a condition other than Alzheimer’s Disease that may affect cognition. Some other things that might prevent someone from participating in this study are if they have serious problems in their brain, if they have had certain mental health conditions like schizophrenia or depression, if they have had cancer in the past or are currently being treated for it, if they have had certain blood or eye diseases, if they have heart problems like atrial fibrillation or high blood pressure that is not controlled or if they have had renal disease.
5. What treatment will participants be given in this clinical trial?
Part 1 and Part 2 of this clinical trial are a ‘placebo-controlled’ clinical trial, which means that one of the groups will be given a substance with no active ingredients (also known as a ‘placebo’); it looks like the drug being tested but does not contain any real medicine. Comparing results from the different groups helps the researchers know whether any changes seen result from the drug or occur by chance.
Part 1 and Part 2 are also a double-blinded trial, which means that neither the participant nor the clinical trial doctor can choose or know the group the participant is in, until the trial is over. This approach helps to prevent bias and expectations about what will happen. However, the participant’s clinical trial doctor can find out which group the participant is in, if their safety is at risk. This approach helps to prevent bias and expectations about what will happen.
Everyone who joins this clinical trial will now be entering Part 2 where dose levels of RO7126209 previously tested in Part 1 will be characterized further. They will be split into groups randomly and given either RO7126209 or non-active medicine (placebo). The first dose will be administered slowly over a period of 4 hours. If this is assessed to be safe, the next doses will be delivered over a period of 2 hours.
These groups may be further divided, where a different dose, dosing frequency and/or number of doses might be tested, but will never exceed what has been tested in the previous part 1.
Part 3 of this trial is unblinded and the patients will be split into two groups in a 1:2 ratio. The different groups will overall receive the same cumulative dose of RO7126209 but with different dosing frequencies. This is to determine the best dosing frequency of RO7126209.
Part 4 of this clinical trial is open-label, which means everyone involved, including the participant and the clinical trial doctor, will know the clinical trial treatment the participant has been given.
6. Are there any risks or benefits in taking part in this clinical trial?
The safety or effectiveness of the experimental treatment or use may not be fully known at the time of the trial. Most trials involve some risks to the participant. However, it may not be greater than the risks related to routine medical care or the natural progression of the health condition. People who would like to participate will be told about any risks and benefits of taking part in the clinical trial, as well as any additional procedures, tests, or assessments they will be asked to undergo. All of these will be described in an informed consent document (a document that provides people with the information they need to decide to volunteer for the clinical trial).
Risks associated with the clinical trial RO7126209
Participants may have side effects (an unwanted effect of a drug or medical treatment) from the RO7126209 used in this clinical trial. Side effects can be mild to severe, even life-threatening, and vary from person to person. Participants will be closely monitored during the clinical trial; safety assessments will be performed regularly.
Participants will be told about the known and possible unwanted effects of RO7126209 based on human and laboratory studies or knowledge of similar drugs. RO7126209 and placebo will be given with intravenous infusion (via a tube linked to a small needle in the participant's vein). Participants will be told about any known unwanted effects of intravenous infusion.
Potential benefits associated with the clinical trial
Participants' health may or may not improve from participation in the clinical trial. Still, the information collected may help other people with similar medical conditions in the future.
Resumen del ensayo clínico
El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la seguridad , tolerabilidad, inmunogenicidad y farmacocinética de dosis múltiples ascendentes intravenosas (IV) de RO7126209 en pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) prodrómica o de leve a moderada, así como Investigar la penetración en LCR tras la administración.
Estudio de fase Ib/IIa aleatorizado, doble ciego, controlado con placebo, con dosis múltiples ascendentes y grupos paralelos, para evaluar la seguridad, tolerabilidad, farmacocinética y farmacodinámica de RO7126209 tras infusión intravenosa en pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer en fase prodrómica o de leve a moderada.
Criterios de selección
- Tener entre 50 y 85 años (ambos inclusive) en la selección.
- Tener probable demencia de leve a moderada o EA en fase prodrómica.
- Puntuación del Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) de 18 a 28, ambos inclusive, en el período de selección.
- Puntuación del Clinical Dementia Rating-Global Score (CDR-GS) de 0,5, 1 o 2.
- PET positivo para amiloide.
- En caso de que el participante esté recibiendo tratamiento sintomático para la EA, la pauta posológica se debe mantener estable como mínimo durante las 8 semanas previas al período basal y hasta la aleatorización.
- Aceptar someterse al análisis de genotipos de APOE.
- Para las mujeres en edad fértil, el acuerdo de permanecer en la abstinencia o el uso de métodos anticonceptivos altamente efectivos que dan como resultado una tasa de fracaso de < 1% por año durante el período de tratamiento y durante al menos 28 días después de la dosis final de la administración del fármaco del estudio.
- Cualquier evidencia de trastornos distintos de EA que puedan afectar a la función cognitiva.
- Hemorragia cerebral relevante, trastorno hemorrágico y anomalías cerebrovasculares.
- Antecedentes de esquizofrenia, desorden esquizoafectivo, depresión mayor o trastorno bipolar.
- Participantes en los que exista el riesgo de suicidio, de acuerdo con la opinión del investigador.
- Abuso o dependencia de alcohol y/o sustancias tóxicas en los 2 últimos años.
- Anormalidades clínicamente significativas en los resultados de las pruebas de laboratorio durante la selección y antes del screaning.
- Antecedentes o presencia de cualquier enfermedad oftalmológica clínicamente significativa.
- Antecedentes de cualquier enfermedad hematológica clínicamente significativa
- Enfermedad cardiovascular, renal o hepática inestable o clínicamente significativa.
- Los participantes con infección activa o no controlada, incluyendo los que presenten síntomas compatibles con enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), no deben ser incluidos hasta que los signos y síntomas se hayan resuelto por completo.
- Cualquier otra condición médica grave o inestable que, en opinión del investigador o sponsor, podría impedir que el participante complete el estudio o sesgar los resultados del estudio.
- Cualquier otro tratamiento de investigación o cualquier otro tratamiento con un anticuerpo monoclonal dentro de las 5 semividas o 4 meses antes de la selección, lo que sea más largo.
- Cualquier contraindicación para la resonancia magnética cerebral.
- Cualquier medicamento que, en opinión del investigador, pueda poner en riesgo al paciente durante el estudio o impedir que el participante complete todas las evaluaciones del estudio.
- Pueden aplicarse otros criterios de exclusión definidos por el protocolo.